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Automagically Increment Objects in Python

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    Jason R. Stevens, CFA
A bright green Python snake on a dark background to symbolically reference the Python programming language via

Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash.


The Python standard library's collections module offers datatype alternatives to the built-in containers list, tuple, set, and dict.

According to Python's documentation , the Counter dict subclass

is provided to support convenient and rapid tallies.

In particular, Counter objects are absolutely fantastic at combining dictionary/map-like objects with only numeric values. You know, things like application metrics, pipeline measurements during model training, and combining multiple disparate samples into one.

Digging into Counter

Fire up your Python console, import the collections module, and instantiate a Counter object:

import collections

my_piano_ballad_recordings = Counter({"Colder Weather": 2, "Mad World": 1})

Now you have a Counter object my_piano_ballad_recordings that holds the song title as a string key and an integer number of times the track has been recorded by you. Feel free to modify for your own recordings!

Now let's say we just got a burst of inspiration and recorded another take of Gary Jule's legendary Mad World. Add it and experience the magic of the Counter object.

my_piano_ballad_recordings.update({"Colder Weather": 1})

Print that and you get something like:

Counter({"Colder Weather": 3, "Mad World": 1})

Notice how that Colder Weather entry was updated automagically? In examining the main() function within the file you can see that the call to update above doesn't wipe out the previous entries, opposite of the behavior of a traditional Python dict dictionary.

Converting back to regular dictionaries

A particularly amazing feature of the Counter object is that it can be converted to a dictionary almost effortlessly.

my_dict = dict(my_piano_ballad_recordings)

Say for example that you'd like to send everything in your counter to an HTTP consumer. Simply convert to a dict and rock the json module like usual:

import json
my_dict = dict(my_piano_ballad_recordings)
my_json = json.dumps(my_dict)

You can add custom encoders here too; see Making Python Classes JSON Serializable for an overview.

All the other cool dict stuff is built-in

Because Counter is a subclass of the regular Python dict datastructure you can perform all the usual actions on it. For example:

Get keys as a list
Count the keys
Rock get versus bracket indexing
my_piano_ballad_recordings['Colder Weather']
my_piano_ballad_recordings.get('Colder Weather')


Though almost the same, keep in mind that Counter objects return 0 for keys that do not exist, rather than raise an exception or return None.

You read that correctly. Running the following assertion will result in True:

assert my_piano_ballad_recordings['Song Not In Index'] == 0

Lastly, don't forget that you should only store numeric types in your Counter objects. Add your string values after you're done iterating or keep them as a separate pair.


So now let's build a simple set of classes for inventory management to demonstrate how useful the Counter tool can be. Along the same lines as our personal tracking of recordings, let's assume we're tasked with tracking inventory for a record store.

An inventory module

We will start by building out a class to represent an Inventory.

As an important business requirement let's require this class to allow us to represent many different types of inventory.

Furthermore, our use case requires frequent updating of inventory numbers given a unique product ID. A dict might be perfect, but maybe there's a way to not worry about actually programming the integer arithmetic to do the updating. This is just inventory after all!.

[CHAT]: 👋 collections.Counter enters the chat...

Let's inherit from the Counter object and see what happens.

class Inventory(collections.Counter):
    def __init__(self,):

Now we have a Counter class named Inventory to which we can add enhanced, customized functionality. We can add save, load, other methods, and some metadata attributes to customize our class.

class Inventory(collections.Counter):
    def __init__(
        id: Union[str, None] = None,
        data: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None,
        super().__init__(data) = id or str(uuid.uuid4())
        self.filename = f"inventory-{}.json"
        self.filepath = self.load()

Now we can instantiate the object with Inventory(id="record-store", data=my_inventory_data) or even just Inventory(). The filename and filepath attributes will become clearer in short order.

Add save functionality

Now we need the ability to save our data. Let's add a save method:

class Inventory(collections.Counter):
    def save(
        """Save the inventory object to the local database."""
        self.filepath = managedb.save_local_inventory(
            self, filename=self.filename
        return self.filepath

Add load functionality

And because we're normal, we'd like the ability to load up that data-saving functionality we so swiftly added.

class Inventory(collections.Counter):
    def load(
        result = None
            result = managedb.load_local_inventory(self.filename)

            self.filepath = f"{os.getcwd()}/{self.filename}"
            if not result:
                return  # pragma: no cover
            for key, val in result.items():
                self[key] = val
            return self

        except FileNotFoundError:
  "Attempted to load {self.filename}. Not found.")

See the file to dive into the full class. Now let's review the managedb module functions you see in immediate use, above.

As you'll see in the example below, Counter is abstracted from the use of the Inventory object. This is simple and allows streamlining of incremental business logic. For our use case - building an inventory system for a record store - inheriting from Counter is just the right choice.

Local database

Using the filesystem (or in-memory) is a quick and dirty way to build your application logic and interfaces, as it allow the developer to avoid the specificities required for database design and programming. We do that with the managedb module here.

A major advantage of developing this way is that it forces technical focus on the use of the database prior to the developer's resources (time) being spent on model/schema, architecture, and/or database deployment. This necessarily helps the developer specify requirements prior to building the database infrastructure.

The managedb module contains just two primary functions that allow the Inventory user to

  • save data to disk (save_local_inventory), and
  • load data from disk (load_local_inventory).

As its functionality is self-explanitory, we'll avoid a deep dive of this module as it is out-of-scope with investigating the Counter class. Replace those functions with calls to a db and you're good to go for a much more sturdy setup.


Testing is an incredibly important part of the software development process, distinctly responsible for functionality quality assurance. There is not other stage that allows the developer to ensure that software written functions as intended.

As such, we have included unit tests with full code-base coverage for these examples. In particular, they also provide usability guides for the inventory and managedb modules.

🌶 We also included tests for the initial counter code!

You'll find a test for each module starting with test_<module>.py in the Github repo.

Keeping track of inventory for the record store

So let's do a few things, such as manage inventory for a fictitious record store! There's a test in titled test_Inventory_demo which runs the code below.

Declare a fresh inventory

Let's declare ourselves a fresh Inventory object:

inventory = Inventory(

You can use it like a dictionary with a few upgrades.

Populate the inventory with current data

Say we have the following schema for our data, with ten different records on the shelves. We represent each with a unique product_id:

inventory_data = {
    "<product_id>": <amount_of_product_in_inventory>,
    "<product_id>": <amount_of_product_in_inventory>

Now all we need to do is call the update method on your inventory variable.


# check sanity
for key, value in inventory_data.items():
    assert inventory[key] == value

Wow, that's pretty easy. The Inventory class inherits the update (and other) methods from its underlying collections.Counter object.

So what happens when things change, i.e. inventory needs to be updated due to a sale of a record or reorder shipment arriving?

Make some sales, update inventory

Making changes is easy. It's exactly like above with the update method. Let's record a sale of two of the same record:

changes_in_inventory = {
    list(inventory_data)[0]: -2,

Check on that for our sanity, again:

compare_inventory = (
    lambda inventory, test_inventory, key, val: inventory[key]
    == test_inventory[key] + val
assert compare_inventory(

Awesome. So what about when the manager restocks the shelves with more records?

Order more albums, update inventory

changes_in_inventory = {
    list(inventory_data)[0]: 1,
    list(inventory_data)[1]: 3,

# sanity check
assert compare_inventory(
    1 - 2,
assert compare_inventory(

Save the data for later

Now let's save the inventory data and reload it, keeping changes we made.

All we need to do is call the save method which returns the file path as a string.

filepath =
assert os.path.exists(filepath)
del inventory

Load the data

To load it back up simply instantiate a new Inventory object and chain the load method to it, which returns the saved Inventory object.

# Load it all back up
inventory = Inventory(

# sanity checks
assert isinstance(inventory, Inventory)
for key in list(inventory_data):
    assert inventory[key]

# cleanup
assert not os.path.exists(filepath)

assert Inventory().load() is None

Now you have a simple, working application to manage the record inventory on the shelves of your imaginary record store.

Grab the code on Github.


In short, the standard library collections.Counter object can be a useful alternative to a plain dict.

Record stores aside, this trivial example makes a few features clear:

  • Inheriting from Counter is incredibly easy.
  • Counter streamlines the simple business logic of incrementation, a common need in business application development.
  • The Counter tool helps engender more communicative abstraction and simpler architecture.

What can you build with Counter? You can grab all of this including a fully-covered test suite via Github. And if you like what you read, sign up for our newsletter below.

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